Fisheries Biology Section
Head of Section: Prof.Dr. Dilek İLHAN
Within the scope of the Fisheries Biology Section, studies are carried out and projects are developed on the bio-ecological characteristics of primarily fish species, zooplankton, crustaceans (Crustacea), cephalopods (Cephalopoda), reptiles and mammals distributed in our country's seas and lagoons. As a result of the studies, besides the management and sustainable use of economically important fish stocks, studies are also carried out for the conservation of endangered marine species and their results are evaluated. Especially within the scope of fisheries biology, fish growth, age determination, reproductive biology, feeding ecology, ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) etc. research is carried out on such topics. In the Fisheries Biology-1 and Fisheries Biology-2 laboratories of the section, the material collected within the framework of various researches is divided into taxonomic groups, and after determining their length, weight and sex determination, hard bony structures such as scales, otoliths and vertebrae are used to determine the age of the individuals examined. After these bony structures are subjected to the necessary procedures, they are examined under a stereomicroscope to determine the ages of the individuals and the growth characteristics of the species are determined based on the results obtained. In order to determine the reproductive characteristics and fecundity of the species in the laboratory, the gonads are examined and thus the breeding seasons of the species are determined as well as the first maturity length. In line with these results, necessary evaluations are made and suggestions are made for a more rational fisheries management. On the other hand, the digestive system contents of the examined creatures are investigated and the feeding behaviors of the species are determined. In addition to the determination of metric and meristic characters, studies such as histological examination of organs and tissues are also carried out. Besides, studies on fish eggs and larvae are carried out in the unit laboratories, and as a result, information about the reproductive behaviors of the different species examined is obtained. By evaluating the data obtained as a result of many types of research, our department contributes to the management of sustainable fishing through the determination of fish and other economic aquatic organisms' stocks in the seas and lagoon environments of our country. Moreover, the compulsory undergraduate courses such as Fish Biology, Turkish Marine Fish, Aquatic Reptiles, Birds and Mammals, Fisheries Research Methods, Fish Ecology and Marine Exotic Species are given by the expert academicians of our section contribute also to the teaching activities of our faculty.
*For academic information, click the name of the contact.
Name | Phone |
Prof.Dr. Murat KAYA | +90 (232) 311 1717 |
Prof.Dr. Ertan TAŞKAVAK | +90 (232) 311 3810 |
Prof.Dr. Okan ÖZAYDIN | +90 (232) 311 2414 |
Prof.Dr. M.Alp SALMAN | +90 (232) 311 1940 |
Prof.Dr. Bahar BAYHAN | +90 (232) 311 3845 |
Prof.Dr. Dilek İLHAN (Head of Section) | +90 (232) 311 5215 |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tuncay Murat SEVER | +90 (232) 311 5203 |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Şule GÜRKAN | +90 (232) 311 3818 |
Assoc.Prof.Dr .Burcu TAYLAN | +90 (232) 311 5204 |
Lect.Dr. Sencer AKALIN | +90 (232) 311 5341 |
Lect.Dr. Salim Can AKÇINAR | +90 (232) 311 2815 |