Çerez Örnek

Seafood Processing Technology Section

Head of Section: Prof.Dr. Şükran Çaklı

Seafood processing technology section is composed of five professors, one associative professor, one assistant professor and 2 research assistants. carries out undergraduate and graduate education activities, and scientific studies. In addition to these, it provides social responsibility projects and consultancy and analysis services for the private sector. Scientific studies not only contribute to the literature but also guide the seafood processing industry on a regional and global scale.  The department aims to research and   gives education based on seafood quality, determination of chemical composition, new packaging technologies, product development and quality improvement, by- product technology, food chemistry and microbiology, food safety and quality systems. Chemical, microbiological, sensory, texture and enzyme analyses are done in the department. The education and research activity within the department is conducted in 2 microbiology and 3 chemical laboratories. Seafood Processing Department has been a member of WEFTA (West European Fish Technologists Association) as a Turkish representative since 2004.




*For academic infromation, click the name of the contact.


Name Phone
Prof.Dr. Şükran ÇAKLI +90 (232) 311 1300
Prof.Dr. Ufuk ÇELİK +90 (232) 311 3811
Prof.Dr. Berna KILINÇ +90 (232) 311 5230
Prof.Dr. Aslı CADUN YÜNLÜ +90 (232) 311 1310
Prof.Dr. M. Tolga DİNÇER +90 (232) 311 5229
Prof.Dr. Şebnem TOLASA YILMAZ +90 (232) 311 1298
Lect.Dr. Burcu Evren ŞEN YILMAZ +90 (232) 311 5228
Lect.Dr. Ömer Alper ERDEM +90 (232) 311 5228
Res.Assit.Dr.Şevket KARAÇANCI +90 (232) 311 


Ege Üniversitesi