Çerez Örnek

Aquaculture Section

Head of Section: Prof.Dr. Cüneyt SUZER

Aquaculture Section is one of the two sections of Ege University Fisheries Faculty Aquaculture Department. In this section, there are 12 Professors, 9 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors., 2 Dr. Lecturers, 5 Research Assistants, 1 Engineer and 2 Technicians. In Aquaculture Section, undergraduate and graduate courses covering the learning and program outcomes are carried out in accordance with the mission and vision of the Aquaculture Department. Educational and consultancy activities are focused on marine and freshwater fish culture, mollusc and arthropod culture and also larval rearing of these species, phytoplankton and zooplankton culture, macroalgae culture, fish feeding and feed technology, ornamental fish culture, aquaculture economy. Besides, there are a total of 13 laboratories, 8 in the Bornova campus (Bioanalysis Laboratory of Fish Culture, Industrial Candidate Species Culture Laboratory, Molluscs and Arthropods Culture Laboratory, Algal Biotechnology Laboratory, Egemar Aquarium and Biotechnology Laboratory, Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology Laboratory, Breeding and Genetics Laboratory) and 5 in the Urla campus (Aquaculture and Fish Nutrition Laboratory, Invertebrates Culture Laboratory, Algal Biotechnology Laboratory, Plankton Culture Laboratory, Aquatic Plants Laboratory), which have necessary equipment for education/training and research. In addition to these, culture studies of marine and inland aquatic organisms are carried out in Dr. H. Okan KAMACI Research and Application Unit in the Urla campus. In these facilities and laboratories, undergraduate and graduate students' treatments, studies of thesis and research projects of the whole section are carried out.


*For academic information, click the name of the contact.

Name Phone
Prof.Dr. Osman ÖZDEN +90 (232) 311 1294
Prof.Dr. Aynur LÖK +90 (232) 311 3096
Prof.Dr. M. Kürşat FIRAT +90 (232) 311 5221
Prof.Dr. Dilek EMİROĞLU +90 (232) 311 5219
Prof.Dr. Şahin SAKA +90 (232) 311 5207
Prof.Dr. Gürel TÜRKMEN +90 (232) 311 1295
Prof.Dr. Cüneyt SUZER +90 (232) 311 1309
Prof.Dr. Halil ŞEN +90 (232) 311 5214
Prof.Dr. Ali Yıldırım KORKUT +90 (232) 311 3094
Prof.Dr. Yaşar DURMAZ +90 (232) 311 1654
Prof.Dr. Aysun KOP +90 (232) 311 3842
Prof.Dr. Özgür ALTAN +90 (232) 311 1301
Prof.Dr. Serpil SERDAR +90 (232) 311 1303
Prof.Dr. Hülya EMİNÇE SAYGI +90 (232) 311 2249
Prof.Dr. Müge Aliye HEKİMOĞLU +90 (232) 311 2242
Prof.Dr. Şükrü YILDIRIM +90 (232) 311 5211
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Fatih PERÇİN +90 (232) 311 1306
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bilge KARAHAN +90 (232) 311 3836
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aysun KÜÇÜKDERMENCİ +90 (232) 311 4094
Assoc.Prof.Dr. M.Tolga TOLON +90 (232) 311 3830
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gamze TURAN +90 (232) 311 5217
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Serhat ENGİN +90 (232) 311 3815
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Selçuk YİĞİTKURT +90 (232) 311 4096
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hatice TEKOĞUL +90 (232) 311 5217
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Edis KORU +90 (232) 311 5211
Lect.Dr. Kutsal GAMSIZ +90 (232) 311 5216
Lect.Dr. Emel ÖZCAN GÖKÇEK +90 (232) 311 5338
Lect..Dr. Evrim KURTAY +90 (232) 311 4095
Lect.Dr. Ali KIRTIK +90 (232) 311 4096
Res.Assist.Dr. Deniz GÜNAY +90 (232) 311 4095
Dr. Melike FERHATOĞLU PERVİN +90 (232) 311 4096
Res.Assist.Dr. Evrim KURTAY +90 (232) 311 4095
Res.Assist.Dr. Övgü GENCER +90 (232) 311 4094
Dr.Fatih GÜLEÇ +90 (232) 311 4095


Ege Üniversitesi